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ROI with AI: Unlocking the true value of all-in-one AI solutions

Lottie Taylor

June 30, 2024

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Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are here to stay; studies show a growing number of companies leveraging AI capabilities to drive business growth and dedicating more resources than ever to evolving their tech stacks. 

But here's the key question: Can  AI and machine learning deliver a substantial return on investment (ROI) that directly impacts the bottom line? 

And if so, how can we prove it?

In this blog, we will explore the relationship between AI and ROI, drawing insights from industry surveys and experts while delving into the challenges of implementing AI and the complexities of measuring its true ROI.

Embracing AI adoption in 2024

The statistics on AI adoption highlight a growing trend across industries. The IBM Global AI Adoption Index revealed that 35% of companies are already using AI, with an additional 42% exploring its potential. 

Moreover, a McKinsey survey reported that 56% of respondents adopted AI in at least one function in 2021 - a figure that has no doubt grown significantly since. 

These numbers showcase the increasing recognition of AI's potential to drive business growth and competitiveness. AI is no longer considered a “nice-to-have in business tech stacks; the success of ChatGPT and other LLM models has captured public awareness and caused interest in AI applications to explode. 

As with all new technologies, it’s tempting to question how much of this interest comes down to the novelty factor.

But the stickiness of AI derives from the fact it is causing tangible, lasting change to the way organizations operate. The more gains we yield in terms of productivity, business intelligence, risk-prevention, and growth enablement, the less likely it is AI will fall out of favor.

The real value of AI in sales

Do artificial intelligence and machine learning enhance business profitability?

This question can be difficult to answer because it is hard to quantify the direct benefits of AI in revenue terms.

It’s easier to address the qualitative impact that AI has on improving operations; for example, by accelerating B2B sales cycles on the back of AI-powered buying intent data.

Another example is the Domino Data Lab's REVelate survey that sheds light on the perceived value of AI among business leaders:

  • Nearly half of the respondents expect double-digit growth as a result of data science, emphasizing the significant impact AI can have on revenue generation
  • Data science, ML, and AI were deemed critical to the future growth of companies by 79% of respondents, with 36% considering it the single most critical factor

The real value of AI lies in its ability to enhance business effectiveness, which ultimately leads to improved profitability.

Enhancing ROI with all-in-one AI solutions

When looking to maximize ROI on AI investments, it makes sense to look for all-in-one AI solutions. These solutions consolidate various AI capabilities, including predictive analytics, data enrichment, forecasting, and automation within one platform. 

Alternatively, you could choose to use multiple single-point AI solutions to support your operations. In B2B sales, this would mean having one platform for lead generation and prospecting, another for data enrichment, another for prospect outreach, another for buying intent data and sales intelligence etc…

Any benefits that these individual AI-powered solutions might offer you (data quality, reliability, effectiveness etc.) would have to be weighed against their costs. 

Not only is investing in multiple tech tools expensive, but building a diversified and badly-integrated AI techstack only hinders your sales team productivity and efficacy in the long run.

Opting for an all-in-one AI solution like Amplemarket allows sales teams to streamline operations and gain the relevant actionable insights to optimize business efficiency, increase productivity, and drive revenue growth across the board. 

With all aspects of your operations covered within a single AI-powered platform, it’s easier to keep everything tightly integrated and to discern the direct impact of AI on your ROI and business profitability.

Calculating your AI ROI

Measuring ROI for AI and machine learning investments can be a complex task. Nicola Morini Bianzino, CTO at EY, highlights the challenge of quantifying the business impact of AI models:

“To me, AI is a set of techniques that will be deployed pretty much everywhere across the enterprise – there is not going to be an isolation of a use case with the associated ROI analysis.” (Source)

It’s difficult to isolate the impact of AI on ROI directly, so the emphasis should shift to treating AI and ML as integral parts of business operations. ROI cannot solely rely on the effort put into implementation of AI tools; it must also consider the overall, long term contribution to the organization's bottom line. 

“It’s almost like the cloud, where two or three years ago I had a lot of conversations with clients who asked, ‘What is the ROI? What’s the business case for me to move to the cloud?’ Now, post-pandemic, that conversation doesn’t happen anymore. Everybody just says, ‘I’ve got to do it.’” (Source)

So instead of looking only for the quantitative ROI brought by AI and ML, businesses should consider the qualitative advantage that these technologies bring - and will continue to bring as learning models and algorithms improve.

In this sense, ROI doesn't have to attached to an immediate monetary value. ROI from AI can be derived from other operational gains such as:

  • Time saved on manual tasks
  • Reduction in workflow errors or missed opportunities
  • Improved conversion rates from better data and intelligence
  • Enhanced work capacity for individual reps
  • Consistency across sales cycles

Addressing the problems with AI implementation

Implementing AI comes with its fair share of challenges, not least because many businesses are forced to confront their resistance to change and shake up their operational status quo. 

A survey from AI engineering firm Cognitive Scale revealed that 76% of respondants struggled with scaling AI efforts and bridging the gap between highly-technical operations and the rest of the organization. Friction can arise when teams don’t fully understand the AI at their disposal and (consciously or otherwise) fall back on familiar, manual methods. 

Nevertheless, the same survey recorded 95% of decision makers agreeing that AI will play a crucial role in solving business challenges.

So the interest is there; implementation is the key sticking point. 

What this shows is that in order to yield the full potential of AI, organizations need to be proactive and committed to fostering collaboration, education, and effective deployment strategies around their AI.

As Nadjia Yousif of the Boston Consulting Group describes, it’s time businesses stop treating technology as a silver bullet solution and start nurturing it like a team member. 

Exploring AI use cases and benefits for ROI

AI's value extends beyond immediate ROI gratification. Long term benefits of using artificial intelligence including:

  • Boosting productivity - with automation, data analytics, personalized content generation or customer engagement, etc
  • Safeguarding operations - by reducing operational errors, analyzing data, and providing intelligence for data-driven decision-making
  • Powering business growth and scalability - by streamlining operations and empowering individual team members to be more efficient and effective

While measuring the precise ROI of AI may be challenging, the transformative potential of AI cannot be ignored. Embracing AI technologies gives organizations the scope to unlock new opportunities, gain a competitive edge, and navigate the modern business landscape with confidence. 

The ROI of AI extends beyond short-term gains and provides a foundation for long-term success and future-proofing businesses in an AI-driven world.

The future role of AI and unlocking the true ROI potential

Measuring the ROI of AI is a multifaceted task that requires careful consideration of business impact, scalability, and continuous improvement. While the concept of ROI may differ when applied to AI, its overall value in driving business growth and competitiveness is undeniable. 

Organizations must align their culture, empower their teams, and establish effective tracking mechanisms to maximize the benefits of AI. As AI continues to evolve and become an integral part of doing business, the focus should shift towards leveraging AI as a cost-effective infrastructure to drive sustainable growth and innovation.

Look no further for the ultimate all-in-one AI sales platform - sign up for an Amplemarket demo!

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