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Boosting B2B sales productivity with AI part 2: prospecting, lead intelligence, and intent data

September 7, 2023

Diogo Rendeiro


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This blog is part of the transcript for our webinar: "4 Ways to Unlock B2B Seller Productivity with Amplemarket AI". You can view to full webinar here.

In part 1 of this webinar transcript, we discussed the evolution of AI and machine learning models over the past few years to today. Over the past year in particular we’ve seen a sudden acceleration in artificial intelligence development with the emergence of more sophisticated large language models capable of handling more complex and varied tasks.

In part 2, we explore some of the use cases for these models in B2B sales, specifically how Amplemarket’s AI tools can boost productivity in prospecting and pipeline generation.

We start with a pretty typical issue within the lead generation area of B2B sales:

How do you find the right leads to engage? How do you prioritize them? How do you define your target audience? 

And crucially, how do you do this in a way that’s repeatable and efficient

From the get-go, Amplemarket has been a data-native platform. We have an array of data sources and we’re constantly updating our data on companies, contacts, and profiles. We provide the capabilities for you to specify your customer profile using the right data points to help you get to the right leads. 

Addressing common pain-points in B2B lead generation and prospecting

At times, the simple activity of defining a customer profile - a set of conditions to target - brings small friction points and frustrating repetition.

For example, if you want to target a number of people working in the sales space, you have sales managers,  you have BDRs, SDRs, executive sales reps, enterprise sales reps… you have all these different terminologies for different job titles.

This was something we realized that often was creating friction: having to always specify an array of different similar job titles. 

Machine learning for more efficient lead filtering

So we started to consider how much time could be save here if we had a more generic way of saying: “I just want to talk with people that work in sales”, or “I just want to talk to people that work in RevOps”, for example.

Instead of specifying job titles, we could just specify departments and job position groupings. 

But to achieve this, what we actually had to build was a machine learning model capable of classifying job titles. We could then run profiles through the model to and it would categorize them according to the relevant department - based on all the job titles and data we've seen in the past.

This is a very interesting case because this happens all in the background. The BDR or SDR doing the prospecting enjoys a simpler experience, simply ticking a few boxes to find leads that match their criteria instead of having to specify all the details.

Amplemarket's searcher enables you to leverage AI for fast and precise prospecting in just a few clicks.

AI-powered prospecting and lead search

Job titles are just one example of this AI categorization; another example is classifying companies between B2B and B2C . We take the same approach, with AI processing all companies based on an initial dataset and making individual classifications with a high degree of accuracy. 

Scaling this approach across our entire contact and company database not only ensures the freshest information available on individuals, demographics, firmographics, etc., but also offers users more flexibility in slicing and dicing and defining their target audiences. In the end, this simplifies and streamlines the job of prospecting.

"Before Amplemarket, we were using several different tools; one for data, one for verifying emails, another for scraping and research, and then adding data in pieces. We realized with Amplemarket, we could use far less tools and make everyone’s workflows simpler."

Yannick Kwik, Head of Growth at Jobbatical

- See how Jobbatical scored 8x ARR growth by supercharging their lead generation with Amplemarket.

Purchase intent for more precise prospecting

We recently launched our revamped Buying Intent Signals product, which uses AI to track your competitors' digital footprint. This lets you identify the exact people that are engaging with your competitors.

Other buying intent solutions that are very popular and have been around for some time generally rely on keyword searches. The problem with this is that typically, this approach produces signals that are not particularly actionable.

By assessing your competitors' digital footprint in real-time, Amplemarket’s AI derives insights directly from their engagements with leads. What that means is that you get reliable, verifiable, and actionable contact-level data. You get the actual leads that are engaging with sales reps or with the company posts of your competitors. 

This is game-changing because with other buying intent solutions that you see in the market, you only get access to somewhat vague and generic account-level data.

It's hard to verify; how can you audit if that keyword search actually took place? Since it's only account-level, who do you know who to talk to at that account? Was there really someone relevant looking into a competitor’s solution, or just a random keyword search? How can you assess that? 

With Amplemarket’s approach, you can pin-point the precise people interacting with your competitors, and how they were engaging.

You can actually see the signal; you can see if they're connected on LinkedIn, for example. You can see if your leads have been liking posts or attending webinars. This is what makes Amplemarket's intent intelligence verifiable and actionable. This is data you can actually rely on.

Amplemarket's new AI-drive approach to buying intent brings you more reliable, verifiable, and actionable data than keyword-focused solutions.

Beyond prospecting: using AI intent intelligence to safeguard your business

Amplemarket’s intent solution uses AI to help you prioritize the highest intent prospects, and this will help you shorten your sales cycle. 

But you can also use this product and these capabilities to gain visibility over your competitors' strategies: How are they going to market? Who are they engaging with? Who falls into their target audience?

Finally, another interesting use case: what if your competitors are targeting your existing accounts? Knowing this can help you tackle any upcoming renewal risks or explore potential churn within your customer base, boosting your business security going forward. 

Amplemarket's buying intent AI gives you unrivalled lead intelligence throughout the sales cycle.

There are lots of different ways in which AI in this space can help you adopt a novel approach to sales and prospecting. Amplemarket's AI enables you to access more granular insights into potential customers and to segment them efficiently and precisely for more targeted and value-driven selling.

Future-proof your sales operations with the ultimate end-to-end AI solution

Step into the future of sales with Amplemarket's AI - sign up for a demo to see how you can unlock your business's real potential!

Discover how Vanta closed 6 figures in a single quarter using Amplemarket’s buying intent data.
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