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Overcome sales objections in seconds: How AI Replier can help

February 28, 2024

Arjun Krisna


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Keeping on top of an overflowing inbox is hard enough without throwing prospect objections into the mix. And when you’re juggling large volumes of conversations in different contexts, it starts to feel like you’re under fire from all sides.

Enter AI Replier, your new email sidekick from Amplemarket; it’s got your back when it comes to handling sales objections.

The magic of AI Replier - helping you sell smarter and faster

In a nutshell, Amplemarket’s AI Replier is like having a 24/7 sales assistant on call that keeps track of your email conversations and drafts appropriate responses.

The upshot is that when you log into your inbox, you have ready-to-send email drafts on all your prospect conversations, personalized and tailored to each situation. No more hours of writer’s block!

But the key thing is, it’s not just another generic AI copywriter.

That’s because the AI Replier is highly adaptable and intuitive when it comes to drafting answers on your behalf:

  • The AI learns to adapt to your selling strategy: You can brief the AI on handle specific objections, probe “hard nos”, and even share extra content. By sharing your battle cards, you can turn the AI Replier into your sales mini-me!
  • The AI emulates your tone for seamless conversation: There’s always a fear that AI copywriting means generic, robotic messaging. Amplemarket’s AI analyzes your tone of voice and writing style so emails flow authentically from one to the next - and can do so in multiple languages.
  • Each prospect receives a unique, contextualized response: The AI will use the entire conversation with your prospect to create follow-ups that are always super-relevant; no risk of repetitive or nonsensical replies.

How to turn AI Replier into your super assistant

Before you start using the AI Replier, you’ll need to brief it on how to respond to general prospect questions. The more detail you include in your instructions, the more sophisticated the responses will be.

Chances are you already have some idea of the common queries your target audience tend to send your way. These might include:

  • Pricing
  • Comparisons to competitor X
  • Comparisons to competitor Y
  • Asking for more info on your solution and the value it provides
  • Whether your solution can do Z
  • Etc.

For each of these queries, you’ll need to create an instruction for how the AI Replier might respond.

Brief the AI Replier to handle common objections or answers consistently and effectively.

One tactic we recommend is using email responses that have worked well for you in the past.

You can compile all your topics and response instructions in a spreadsheet, then all you need to do is plug them into Amplemarket!

One thing to note is that the AI Replier instructions you enter into the Amplemarket platform will be shared across all users in your organization’s account. This keeps your response quality consistent across your team and ensures no issues are overlooked.

With your instructions entered, you’re ready to roll! Simply open up your inbox and enjoy your auto-generated email drafts.

How to use AI to overcome prospect objections

The beauty of the AI Replier is that it enables you to craft detailed responses to objections at scale - without having to research and draft the answers each and every time you hit a query. 

Here are some of the common objections the tool can help you tackle and how you’d brief it:

1. “I’m not interested right now”

Ask the AI Replier to thank the for the reply and “reach out if this ever becomes top of mind.”  You can also tell the AI to share a piece of content or sales collateral the prospect might find useful, such as a pager or sales deck.

2. “I haven’t heard of you. What do you do?”

Provide the AI Replier with an overview of your product, USPs, and key business values. You might also mention the better-known competitors in your space and explain how you stand out from them and share a piece of content if relevant.

3. “I’m already using X”

Provide the AI Replier with your USPs and differentiators against competitor X in particular. You might mention customers who’ve used both solutions or made the switch to yours and share a relevant case study or testimonial, or else ask when they’ll be up for renewal with your competitor’s product.

4. “How are you better than competitor Y?”

As above, explain to the AI Replier how you outperform or differ from this specific competitor. You might include pricing or ROI comparisons if you have these available.

5. “Can you circle-back at [time]?”

Share your calendar link with the AI Replier so prospects ca schedule a call at their convenience!

6. “No thanks”

You might ask the AI Replier to probe a little further - after all, it requires minimal effort on your part! You could brief the Replier to suggest a future circle-back, ask the reason behind the lack of interest, or even drop some evergreen content to leave your prospect with more value.

Overcome sales objections in seconds

Objections will vary depending on your solution, and the AI Replier allows you to brief on as many scenarios as you might require.

And remember: your instructions are saved within your Amplemarket account so you don’t have to keep re-entering them. Over time, you’ll build up a solid arsenal of reply strategies to tackle virtually any objections that come your way!

With AI Replier, you're not just replying to emails; you're engaging in meaningful conversations, persuading effectively, and nurturing every opportunity, one intelligent email at a time. 

Amplemarket’s approach to AI copy generation means that you don’t have to sacrifice quality for quantity in your outreach. Instead, you get to leverage advanced and sophisticated generative AI tools to maximize your productivity whilst personalizing responses and dealing with objections at an unprecedented scale.

Say hi to Amplemarket’s AI Replier - email management will never be the same again!

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